Jan 31, 2011

Aura of Eternal Love

No, neither it is Thou,
Nor your Shadow or Images,
Just the Sanctity of your Soul,
Touched by Unspoken Words,
Still Untouched by Waves of mine.
Your Magnanimous Heart, Charming Smile,
Marmalade feel, Abyless vision,
Ecstasy in Divine.
Heart pounding inside, Eyes Vividly open,
Intact words are Interpretable.
This mirage of Mind, or the “Love”
Or “I” dependent on your soul,
Or to Reach the Destination.
But it is neither Me,
Nor my Burning Desires,
My Soul Asking for "Serenity".

Swati Shobha Sevlani

Copyrights Reserved, 2011

(Also Published in Blogger's Park, 2011)