Apr 13, 2012

Stop Bullying

Stick Stiffer,
Bit Bitter.
Target Suffer,
Hard to Touch,
The Wounded Wounds.
Unbearable to Bear,
The Suppressive Stimulation's,
Aggressive Aggression's,
And Bullying “BullyForever.
Peace, Rest In Peace,
Bullying like a Dreadful Disease.
Scream Screams,
Pain Aches,
Harassing Harassment's,
And Hatred Message.
Physical Strength,
Mental Challenge,
Bullying, a Personality Disorder,
Be an Eye Opener.

-Swati Shobha Sevlani

Apr 11, 2012

Lies I Almost Believe On


Restored are the broken and weird toys,
In cupboard from more than three decades,
They will bring back the childhood,
A lie I almost believe on.

Memories are treasured in brain,
Cherish when we grow old,
Brain degenerates with age,
Lies I almost believe on.

Silver, gold, platinum, land,
Dollar and rewards are locked under seven locks.
To ensure the security,
Natural disasters are accidental,
Insurances are the lies I believe on.

Constructing the multiplex and vehicles,
Green wounds to trees and animals,
Nothing comes and nothing goes,
Lies I almost build every day.

We really exist in the reel world,
Reel of a movie called as Life,
Life, a Lie I almost live with.
Full of Lies I almost believe on.

-Swati Shobha Sevlani