Courtesy: Khyati Sharma |
There are simple cube of 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 and many other
dimensions. The solutions of each cube vary from each other like the solution varies with diverse
dimensions of life.
As well, different are algorithm, permutation, probability
and tricks to solve each of them. No one can fit in other shoes. So, better
design you own.
Even if we consider the Rubik's cube of, same dimension. For
an example, 3x3 Rubik's cube which is most common and have same colors and same
size and same dimension, the solution of same cube also varies with the
structural and spatial differences found in its arrangement.
Just like the human being from same profession or perception
also differs from each other.
The flooding websites on Internet shows so many ways, that
no one can comprehend anything, if he follows every one of them. However, every
one of them is correct in their own way.
That is why, I suggest, don’t listen to infinites
people. If you follow one website and one person, things will be get done by
their own way. Secondly, don’t try to compare two people for the results you
want. Like solving half cube by other instruction and solving next half by some
other the aid of other websites.
When, I started solving cube, it was 2005, I saw it, got
fascinated, tried it, I never had Internet amenities and no one knows how to
solve in my surrounding. People considered that I am sort of bizarre to embrace
it as they were only hardly any people who used to take intellectual tasks.
I purchase two pirated cubes. As I never know which one is
original or real? Which one is good or bad? Which will be best for solution?
Which will relax my fingers?
First, I purchase for worth rupees 30. It got broken,
during practice.
Second was exactly same. It was reserved on my table
like a centerpiece. I never thought to solve it giving my best. I left it like
a vague mystery and accumulated an unsettled puzzle in facade. It starts
looking like a yoke as I used to waste lot of my time coming to no conclusion.
I was confused; there were infinite numbers of color combination I got. I hope
you can calculate it by the statistical theory of probability. Everyday,
it looked different and it was never same.
One day, I decided to place
it inside drawer and then at whatever time I used to open my drawer, I again
used to play with it, as if it is a toy.
I put it on my closet and
firmly decided that I won’t concentrate on it as I don’t think that there is
any solution to it and if it there is, so it is far from my reach. I am not up
to the mark of aptitude; I require getting through it.
But, every time I used to
open my closet, I feel to take it out, touch it and solve it. The unsolved
Rubik's was turning more like a chronic disease. I felt like there is
something which is compelling me, forcing me, pulling me, gravitating me
towards it and don’t even let me think something else.
I felt that I am suffering from
OCD like disease. I felt so oppressive and compulsive with it.
I took it out from my closet
and started working on it. Suddenly, due to peer pressure on me, it
involuntarily separate from me. But, it uses to make me forget about different
factors which use to make me anxious, vexed and tensed.
It was 2010, I got it started
and again I failed, this time it glued to my finger tips. I surf the net again
and again, I surf the various websites.
I was somewhere lost in the
crowd of website, so was my Rubik’s cube. I don’t know whom to follow and the
solutions were looking complicated. I once again quit from the game.
In 2011, I was ill because of
Dengue, the worst disease in my life. I thought, it will take my life away. I
felt so tough to cope up; still cube helped me to overlook the pain. I started
following a single site and worked on it. I managed to find out the solution
till 2nd Layer of it. But last layer used to make me quit every time. It was
like, you are close to your destination and you are ignorant that how much
close you are to it.
In November 2011, I solved
my first Rubik’s cube while resting for fifteen days. I was out of work and
there was nothing running in my mind. I chose a tool of patience; I worked on a
single website guideline and read it again and again. I tried and kept trying.
My mom
was so happy to see that, I did it and when my brother and father came back
from office, they said that you can never do that, leave it. They used to cut
jokes but they never congested me from doing it. They were actually bored of
seeing Rubik’s cube in my hand right from dusk to dawn, just like a finger
ring, in fact far precious than that. This time, it was not pirated one.
gave my solved cube on my brother’s hand. He was surprised, so was my father.
They were laughing with so much happiness that I finally did it. For a moment,
I realized that they are happier than me. They asked me to keep it as it.
But on the same day, I
again scramble it and started my life afresh to solve other mystery with
different type of permutation and algorithms this time.
I must say thanks to the
website, which helped me a lot as it was like a mentor to me.
In 2012 February, I
started again, this time I failed but I was single-minded. My era was flooding
like water and I never cared for it. I kept on experimenting and trying and
experiencing the changes and finally, now is the time when I can assemble cube
by my solo method within an individual day.
As, I am ignorant to the different methods, but I tried by
the one I know.
For fast assembling, I need to learn the appropriate method
in different cases.
But, whatever, I have learned also helped me getting
through the path of confusions, irritable situations terminating uproar
existing in me.
Today, I realize that life is exactly like solving a
Rubik’s Cube. Some solve it in a day, some takes whole life to know their
destination or solutions. Some don’t wish to give a fight as they are scared.
And the motive of life is to make a homogenous
mixture, where all are uniform and all are of same color exactly like the
mixture of your soul with the god and turning into a homogenous white light
after serenity.
Rubik’s cube takes different form in its life like different
birth of human being. And again it starts finding the mystery and gets the
same, like the human who comes in different color, shapes, dimension and
communities, but they are same. They have to match the colors with the
vibration of infinite and white light.
The only distinction between life and cube is that
life walks on a immortal circular path and cube walks in a regular mortal
cubical path.
There will be thousand doubts in your mind, there will be
lots of obstacles like flooding websites, but listen to one voice, make one
mentor the way I did.
If you get advanced with gadgets, use to find an appropriate
solution, keep your confusions aside and
give a proper start.
You need a source to know, how to start, as the solutions
are not inherited in genes.
But, if you will experiment like me, it is going to
take couple of years to cube it, match it and take it.
I never gave a thought to purchase pirated
again, as they use to get break like my dream of solving it.
I always have a branded cube now, as it ease my work,
consume less time, don’t hurt my finger and hands and is very comfortable to
No hard work gets in
vein; your sweat turns into beads. My earlier lessons made this way
easy. If I might have not seen the irritation in me, I am sure I might have
never reached my destination with patience, when I was very close to success (3rd Layer).
I will try my best to learn
other ways too to fit according to the situations.
I will also try to solve
4x4 and 5x5 dimension cube. I will keep learning and upgrading like the
versions of Internet browsers and software's, so that I can act like their
search engines for others.
Life is exactly like
Rubik’s cube. Keep experimenting with it; keep cubing it in the best effective
way. Don’t keep your problem burning within you for life time, stay with it and
have a fight. Be determined and off course, there will be ups and downs, but
adjust with them and walk down the whole path, so that you can create your own
map in existing one.
- Swati Shobha Sevlani