I request the owner of Kieslowski''s World to start his amazing website again. The link to the site is http://www.weronika.freeserve.co.uk/
An anonymous person was handling the website content with such a great deal, adding thinks related to all the people and stories attached to the Director Kieslowski. While with all this, he was also managing a Diary where the spiritual verses of him goes on, giving continuous messages of peace and uniformity, the things dealing with life and immortal theories, the things which are far from materialism were part of that anonymous Diary.
I don't know the reason to shut it down. But I would love to see that site taking breathes again as good work must never go in vain.
Whenever I used to open the web world, the first thing is to open all the bookmarks. This website was one of the bookmark in my browser. Used to love it as things used to make us realized many things. He also mentioned himself as 99 year old in Chatango box. But, I never think that he will be this young. I know the person visit my blog everyday but I just want to request him to restart his work. There are people who read this types of things but never speak about it as it is not the matter of word, it is the matter of Feel you have after it. Readers feel it but are short of words. IT was a work worth appreciating.
Whenever I used to open the web world, the first thing is to open all the bookmarks. This website was one of the bookmark in my browser. Used to love it as things used to make us realized many things. He also mentioned himself as 99 year old in Chatango box. But, I never think that he will be this young. I know the person visit my blog everyday but I just want to request him to restart his work. There are people who read this types of things but never speak about it as it is not the matter of word, it is the matter of Feel you have after it. Readers feel it but are short of words. IT was a work worth appreciating.
Hope to see this website active again as it is the only thing left with the name of legendary director Kieslowski.